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  • Headed North today
    Well today is a day we’ve been prepping for for a few weeks now. We are headed North, away from the cozy safety net of the in-laws. We’ll be on our way to the upper peninsula where we plan to visit and explore for many weeks to come. It’s a place I’ve never been and...
  • Settling down in West Michigan for a few weeks
    Good morning! Happy Monday. Well it has been a few since we’ve posted. Last time, we were in Vermont, in a small town called Danville. Since then, we made our way west, through New York State, the upper edge of Ohio, and finally up in to the Michigan area. We are currently parked outside of...
  • From Maine to Vermont
    Well after about 6 hours on the road yesterday, we traveled from the eastern coast of Maine to a small town called Danville in vermont, to meet our friends Glenn and Bethany who just bought a house here on a beautiful 10 acre lot. I already miss maine. It was such a beautiful state, so...
  • We made it to Maine
    We’ve hit a lot of states at this point! After rural Virginia, we made it over to Arlington to see my friend Courtney and crash at her empty apartment for a couple nights. It was a lovely relieve after being on the road for several days. Even after the first night we were already eager...
  • Regrouping at camp
    Good morning. It’s Tuesday morning and we’re sitting at a small campground near Richmond, VA. Considering this is my first week back to work, and that it was supposed to be over 90 degrees every day this week, we thought it was a smart idea to find a campground where we could hook up to...
  • And we’re off!
    Yesterday, June 3, we finally hit the road, after what seemed like endless months of emptying out everything in our house. But we made it! We pulled away from the house on a rainy Thursday afternoon, just two days past when we originally planned. It certainly felt weird to leave the house, but we are...
  • Our first trip (Nov 10 – 29, 2020)
    On November 10th, we hit the road in our little rental car with our two dogs and headed West to Boulder, CO to pick up our completed van from the folks at Coyote Conversions. We were very excited to finally see it in person and hit the road. It had been so many months planning...